Upper Valley Portrait Sessions

 UpperValleyFlyer2014-1 Hey Upper valley friends! It's that time of year again and I'll be making my annual trip home to see family, enjoy the foliage and shoot some portrait sessions! This tradition started because a friend of mine who I grew up with in Hanover asks me up to photograph her son each year for his birthday and figured I'd make the best of it. Please feel free to send me an email if you're interested or have questions about the sessions and in the mean time feel free to check out my website and enjoy a few of my favorite images from last year's shoots! Look forward to seeing you in the Upper Valley! blog-1blog-2 blog-12 blog-11 blog-10 blog-9 blog-8 blog-7 blog-6 blog-5 blog-4 blog-3 


Vio & John 8.30.14


Amanda & Ryan 8.2.14